Sermons are no longer recorded at St Johns -- at least not at this time. So this section is a historical record from when recordings were made.
Fr. Pete - Handling Disagreements as Christians
Fr. Pete - Jesus, Peter and Friendship
Fr. Pete - Simon Becomes Peter
Fr. Pete - The Canaanite Woman
Fr. Pete - The Apostolic Witness
Fr. Pete - Parable of The Wheat and The Weeds
Fr. Pete - Parable of The Sower
Fr. Pete - Freedom Comes From God
Fr. Pete - The Disciples and Human Nature
Fr Pete - So Have No Fear of Them
Fr. Pete - Mystery of The Eucharist
Being Human in the After Life
Why Do You Believe?
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled ... Do Not Tune Out the Lord
Fr. Pete on Covid-related Changes, Mass, Confession and Personal Responsibility
Recognizing the Risen Lord - Via St Augustine
Christ is Risen ... Divine Mercy Gospel by John
Easter ... & He is Risen!
Holy Thursday ... The Mystery of the Eucharist
Holy Thursday ... The Mystery of the Eucharist
5th Sunday of Lent & Many Layers of Chaos Surrounding the Miracle of the Corpse
I AM the Light of the World ... & Present Crisis in our Moment in History