Eucharistic Adoration begins at St. John’s! For some time people have been asking if there could be Eucharistic Adoration. It was stopped some years ago because people would not make a commitment to come and the Blessed Sacrament was left unattended which is forbidden for obvious reasons. We now have people who will commit to this devotion. We will start slowly. Adoration will begin on Friday, February 3 immediately after the morning Mass and last until 9:30 a.m. It will be held every Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Question: “What is Eucharistic Adoration?”
Answer : The True Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Savior in the Consecrated Host is placed in the center of a large cross called a ‘monstrance’ with two lit candles before Him.
Question: “What is the purpose of Eucharistic Adoration?” Answer: First, it takes us out of our normal routine, which is always a bit unsettling but absolutely necessary because our “normal routine” so easily dominates us. Second, we place ourselves in the presence of Jesus Christ in an atmosphere of quiet where the noise of the world is left behind and we are graced to settle the noise that is within us. Third, we place ourselves in the presence of our Friend Who wants nothing more than to love us and desires that we bring our worries and concerns to Him. Like any friendship, spending time together is necessary if the friendship is to grow.
Question: “What do I do during Adoration?”
Answer: Sit. Still yourself, which is harder than most people realize! Pour out your concerns to the Lord. Listen. Mediate on Scripture. Practice your favorite devotion. Write in your spiritual journal. It is not so much a matter of “what” you do but the quality of time you spend with the Lord doing it.
Question: “Can non-Catholics come to Adoration?”
Answer: Absolutely! Feel free to invite them. Tell them to bring their Bible with them for quiet reflection and prayer. Question: “What if I can’t make a full hour?” Answer: Then make a holy half hour or a holy quarter hour! Do the best you can. Good friends know how much time they need in each other’s presence.