You Can Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Thinking about separation or divorce? Are you frustrated, bored or angry with each other? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages.
“Fr. Pete...What is the value of our investment fund?” We invest with the Wyoming Catholic Ministries Foundation. As of July 31, our investments were worth $925,948.04. We invested a total of $663,664.22 and gained $262,283.82.
I have discontinued our Oregon Catholic Press subscription for the “Today’s Missal” for this Advent and Christmas. I see no point wasting a lot of money to buy books we may or may not be allowed to use.
Here is where we are with the Church bathroom project. The architect, consulting a structural engineer, has drawn up the plans. A copy of the plans has been sent to Cheyenne for review. There was a meeting with the architect, the contractor who will oversee the project, Phil Gonzales and myself to review the plans.
The crosses you see at the Church entrances... The baptistry cross, which is a very old tradition. original will go back to its place on the top of the bell tower. These crosses should last for a century or so.
August 18 is the primary election and the CCW ladies plan, prepare, serve and clean up the election workers' meals at noon and for dinner. We need help with serving and cooking. Please call the parish office and let Mary Ann know how you can help out!
August is our parish month to do Meals on Wheels on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Currently, we have Mondays & Wednesdays open. Can you help out? Takes around an hour. Please call the parish office to volunteer, 684-7268.